City Homes/Brownstones/Townhouses

Townhouses / Brownstones

Comprehensive Protection Encompassing Every Intricate Detail
Which Truly Make Your Townhouse a City Home.

Comprehensive Protection Encompassing the Special Features and Intricate Detail Which Truly Make Your Townhouse a City Home.

City Home/Brownstone/Townhouse Coverage

Townhouse/ Brownstone Coverage

In today’s US real estate market, city homes, brownstones and townhouses have become very popular with developers and buyers alike.  For insurance, they’re fairly straightforward to cover, since communities are built with near-identical plans and components.

However, in major urban centers, such as New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, DC and Chicago, the process of insuring a City Townhome requires much more care and surgical precision.   

At JMP Insurance Brokers, we like to say that insuring ‘Brownstones’, as they are collectively referred, is actually more of an art than a science.  Entering a brownstone city home is like going back in time – as many were built by hand using brick masonry construction around the turn of the 20th Century.  

They harken us back to a time when homes were built as works of art.   And, while they may appear similar, no two brownstones are the same.  Each possesses its own combination of exquisite detailing and workmanship — serving as testament to the painstaking handcrafted effort that went into building each one.   

At JMP Insurance Brokers, we recognize that in today’s ‘cookie-cutter’ world, the City Home, Brownstone or Townhouse is truly something special and requires specialized insurance expertise and consideration.  We have proven experience and an in-depth understanding of what it takes to properly insure these historic treasures if damaged or destroyed catastrophically — and with a deep appreciation for their intricate detailing and unique characteristics.  Since many of these structures are listed on the National Register of Historic Places, insurance care and consideration is taken to an even more specialized level to protect and preserve the structure, its historical significance and all exquisite detail as intended.  

Request quotes today. Put JMP Insurance Brokers Expertise & Trusted Advice to work for your City Home, Brownstone or Townhouse, so it can live on for generations to come.

Benefit from JMP Insurance Brokers' Expertise Insuring Townhouses & city Homes.

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