Rural/Coastal Home
Rural/Coastal Home
Comprehensive Solutions for Your
Rural or Coastal Home
Comprehensive solutions for your Rural or Coastal Home
Rural/Coastal Home Coverage
There’s something very special about living on or near the coast or in more rural, mountainous or remote locales, immersed in the beauty of natural surroundings. While we’re drawn to these breathtakingly beautiful locations in which to own properties, they require specialized knowledge and expertise to insure properly.
Each day, as Certified Advisors of Personal Insurance (CAPI), JMP Insurance Brokers puts our specialized expertise to work with Prospects & Clients, advising them to follow our Best Practices When buying a Rural or Coastal Home. By doing so, we help them accelerate the insuring process, and effectively manage client expectations now and for being properly prepared for a claim later.
Best Practices for Buying a Rural/Coastal Home Across The USA
- Before placing a bid (preferred) or signing a contract, JMP Insurance Brokers recommends clients contact us first , to provide the property's address, so we can perform a location check with Carrier partners to determine if:
- The home is currently or has been insured through any of our carriers, and if they've retained any risk concerns which we'll need for properly structuring a policy proposal.
- We'd be prohibited from securing coverage altogether.
- At the same time, the Client should work with their Real Estate Broker and the Seller to obtain answers to the following fire, wind, flood and seismic safety concerns (as applicable) for their preferred Rural or Coastal home:
- How the home is currently insured today, and through which Insurance Carrier. Please ask for a copy of the Insurance Policy Declarations/Coverage Summary for review.
- If the home is in a flood zone and the actual zone determination from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). And, if the home has experienced any prior flood losses and a brief description of each.
- If the home has a fire hydrant within 1,000 feet.
- If the home is within 5 miles of the nearest fire station.
- Required if the home is not within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant AND within 5 miles of the nearest fire station.
- If the home has its own dry hydrant or contains a pool or other large alternative water source.
- If the home is adjacent to nearby hydrants, greater than 1,000 feet, or other large bodies of water (including neighboring pools).
- If the nearest responding Fire Department is made up of paid or volunteer firefighters. The estimated travel distance and time from the Fire House to the Property. If the responding fire department has a fleet of water trucks, and if so, the number of trucks they maintain and the water tank capacity of each. And finally, if the Department's hoses are equipped with adaptors for accessing water from dry hydrants or alternative water sources on or near the property.
- If the property is located in geographical location, state or region susceptible to fast-moving wild or brush fires and its distance to the nearest major brush.
- If the property or neighborhood has been at risk or has directly experienced a wildfire previously.
- If there are any smokers in the household, and if so, how cigarette and cigar buds are discarded.
WIND CONCERNS (If applicable) – Broadly classified to include Wind, Hail, Tornado, Tropical Storm, Named-Storm and Hurricane.
- Age of the roof, its shape and covering type, how its connected to the structure (wraps, bolts, etc.) , and the year it was last fully replaced.
- If the home's windows & doors contain either hurricane shutters or high-impact glass.
FLOOD CONCERNS (If applicable)
- The home's current elevation per an Elevation Certificate (EC) performed by a licensed surveyor within the past 12 months.
- If the home is currently insured for Flood, and if so, through whom. Please obtain a copy of the Seller's current NFIP Primary Flood Policy.
- Declarations/Coverage Summary for our review.
SEISMIC CONCERNS (If applicable) – For Homes in earthquake-prone zones, a separate carrier location check must also be performed by our Carrier partners upfront to determine seismic eligibility.
- If the property is located in a seismic location, state or region, and if the property or neighborhood has ever experienced a temblor at any time and if the home has ever been damaged by one.
- The home's type of foundation, year built , and year of complete retrofit for earthquake (if any)
- If the property has a seismic shut-off valve which is tied into the home's alarm system.
Once all relevant information has been assessed, and assuming it’s a go, JMP Insurance Brokers will deliver relevant specialized solutions to comprehensively protect your Rural or Coastal Home against All Risks and incorporating our expert findings from above.
Request Quotes Today and put the power of JMP Insurance Brokers’ Trusted Advice & In-Depth Expertise to work for the most important Rural or Coastal Home. Yours.
Request Quotes Today For All Your Coverage Needs
For Your Rural or Coastal Home.